Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Extention for Minnesota Workers
Last updated: 1-4-21 at 5 pm
NOTE: If you are looking for unemployment information for self-employed or independent contractors, visit here.
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) is a federal extension program for people who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits. PEUC was created by the CARES Act on March 27, 2020.
- Under the original text of the CARES Act, PEUC benefits were available for a maximum of 13 weeks and set to expire on December 26, 2020.
- The new stimulus law signed on December 27, 2020 authorizes up to 11 more weeks of PEUC benefits beginning December 27, 2020 (up to a maximum of 24 weeks). $300 per week additional payments are available to anyone receiving regular or extended unemployment benefits.
- The first week of PEUC under the new law is the week beginning December 27, 2020. You will be able to request payment for this week on or after January 3, 2021.
- PEUC benefits will not be available retroactively for weeks prior to December 27, 2020.
You May Be Eligible for PEUC Benefits
You may be eligible for PEUC benefits the week of December 27, 2020 in any of the following situations:
- You recently exhausted your regular unemployment benefits
- You recently exhausted your PEUC or Extended Benefits (EB)
- You exhausted your PEUC/EB benefits a while ago, but have not requalified for regular unemployment benefits
If you have not collected benefits in a while, you may need to reactivate your account before you can resume requesting PEUC benefits
How do I apply?
- You can apply for unemployment insurance benefits either online or by phone using the Applicant Self-Service System.
Your account will be transitioned to the new PEUC benefits automatically. You will not need to re-apply.
Keep requesting payment each week you are unemployed. The last payable week for PEUC will be for the week ending March 13, 2021. If you receive a PEUC payment for that week, and you have a remaining balance on your account, you may be eligible to participate in a phaseout period and collect PEUC through the week ending April 10, 2021.
Once your benefit account has expired or the balance has reached $0, you may see a notification at the top of your benefit account home page stating you may apply for an extended benefit account.
A link to apply for benefits will also display. Select the “Apply for Benefits” link to apply for an extended benefit account.
Depending on what information we need from you, the Apply for Benefits link will either take you to the PEUC application or the regular UI benefit application. Complete the steps below in order to find out if you are eligible for an additional benefit program.
If the Apply for Benefits link leads you to the PEUC application
- Complete the application for the PEUC 13-week extension.
- Keep requesting payments each week while your application is pending.
- It may be up to 10 days before we finish our review of your application.
- After our review is complete, one of two things will happen:
- If you are eligible for PEUC, you will receive an Amended Determination of Benefit Account in the mail. Any pending payments will be made (assuming you meet other eligibility requirements).
- If you are not eligible for PEUC, we will send you an Amended Determination of Benefit Account in the mail online. That determination will include an explanation of why you are not eligible.
If the Apply for Benefits link leads you to the regular unemployment application
- Complete the application for a new regular unemployment benefit account.
- Keep requesting payments each week while your application is pending.
- It may be up to 10 days before we finish our review of your application.
- Federal law requires us to confirm that you are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits before you can apply for PEUC. If you are not eligible for a new regular unemployment benefit account, we will allow you to apply for PEUC.
- After our review is complete, one of two things will happen:
- If you are eligible for a new regular unemployment benefit account, we will establish that account for you. You will receive a new Determination of Benefit Account in the mail. Any pending payments will be made (assuming you meet other eligibility requirements).
- If you are not eligible for a new regular unemployment account, you will see a notification that tells you to apply for Pandemic Extended Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). Follow the steps listed above.
Questions? Contact our payroll experts at (888) 388-1040.
Source: MN Unemployment Insurance