New in 2019, transfer credits between jobs of the same customer.
- For a customer that has open (unapplied) credits, from the main ribbon on a displayed Create Invoices window, select “Apply Credits”.
- This allows you to efficiently apply customer credits across all jobs of the same selected customer. A new column on the Apply Credits window displays the Customer and Job which the credit is currently assigned to. From the Apply Credits window, users can assign that credit to other jobs of the same customer record.
- QuickBooks records an in/out transaction through an Other Current Asset type account named “Account for Credit Transfer”. This account is added automatically by QuickBooks upon the first instance when a user assigns a credit from one job to another in the Apply Credits window. By default, the automatically created account is listed as “inactive” on the Chart of Accounts to discourage users from selecting it during normal transaction entry.
Available With:
- QuickBooks Pro
- Premier
- Accountant 2019
- Enterprise 19.0